With so much press and different reports from the aftermath and response efforts in Texas and Louisiana figuring out how we can help can be confusing. Here is the most up-to-date information that we have from UMCOR, and our plans here in Iowa.
We have already sent 1000 Clean-up buckets to Texas thru the UMCOR system.
Our next shipment will go out on Monday, September 18, 2015.
Your kits will need to be delivered to the drop off locations NO LATER than Friday, September 15, 2017 to be on that truck.
The next shipment will go out on Monday October 2, 2017,
Your donations will need to be at the drop off locations NO LATER than Friday, September 29, 2017.
Any kits after that can go to In-Gathering, and we will have trailers for Clean-Up Buckets at all of the In-Gathering sites.
At this time we are ONLY accepting Clean-up Buckets and Hygiene Kits for shipping. Financial gifts/offerings must be sent directly to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) or to the Iowa Annual Conference, Special Advance #901670.
UMCOR is currently working with disaster coordinators and early response teams in Louisiana and Texas to provide relief to the many people whose lives have been impacted by hurricane/tropical storm Harvey. We will continue to update this page and UMCOR social media as we receive new information.
5 Things You Can Do
1. Please continue to pray for those whose lives have been impacted by hurricane/tropical storm Harvey. Please also pray for the Early Response Teams, disaster coordinators, and many volunteers in The Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, Louisiana Conference of The United Methodist Church, Río Texas Conference of The United Methodist Church and Central Texas Conference who are working tirelessly to provide relief after Harvey.
2. Make relief kits, send complete kits to our relief-supply depots or an affiliate warehouse. Download the packing list and shipping label.
3. Partner with UMCOR in responding to the needs of communities and individuals impacted by Hurricane Harvey by giving to Advance #901670:
To give by mail:
Advance GCFA
P.O. Box 9068
New York, NY 10087-9068
Please note in the memo line: Advance 901670
Or donate through your church offering. Write Hurricane Harvey Advance 901670 on the check memo line.
4. Donate only those items requested.
5. Please wait for an invitation to volunteer.