Pastor’s Page

Jon Moss – Pastor
Phone: 319-651-4883

A Word from Pastor Jon


We are approaching a New Year and a new decade. Once again, I’m thankful for God’s blessing. We completed our largest Confirmation class, were faithful to existing ministries, and mission opportunities as we strive to make Christ known in our community through acts of love for others. I can’t help but rejoice over what you have accomplished. While 2019 has been a good year at the same time I look forward to a New Year and what is before us. Once again this will be a year where we will see new people taking leadership roles in the church and strengthen the ways in which we make Christ known in our community.
As far as our denominational struggles, it will be a challenging year once again. We have had two church wide meetings to discuss the issues and the possible outcomes of the 2019 Special called General Conference. We have put out publications from three sources to help us through the process and will continue to do that. In February 2020 the the regular General
Conference will be held. We will stay informed, in order to make the very best decisions that may be required of us. This should be a time of prayer for all of us. The work ahead will be difficult, but we will be ready to address the issues required of us. Be assured that regardless of the denominational struggles we will not lose our focus. We will be faithful and true to who we are as a church, to our call, vision and mission to our community and above all faithful to Christ our Lord.
Exciting and challenging times are before us and we will be up to the tasks that God calls us to. With God’s help, we will continue to be a light that shines in darkness and a beacon of hope for those who need to hear and experience the love and grace of God through Jesus Christ. I am looking forward to a great year with you in our journey together.

Faithfully yours,

Pastor Jon

January 2020