Book of James – Practical Christianity
Prairie Chapel Starts Sunday May 17 at 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Alburnett Starts Monday May 18th at 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
The purpose of this study is to present the practical message of James as found in his New Testament epistle and understand its implications for life today.
This study is a participatory study for students who want a challenging study. A variety of commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and reference materials will be made available for their use. This short term study will be conducted over 4-5 weeks with each session lasting approximately 90 minutes.
Some of the objectives of this study are:
Present a basic overview of the book of James including background, themes, and unique characteristics.
Students will become familiar with the use of study tools such as a study Bible, study guides, Bible dictionary, and a Bible commentary.
Students will discuss the relationship between what we believe and how we behave based on the teaching of James.
Compare and contrast what the letter of James says about “faith and works” with what is said about “faith and works” in Paul’s letters.
What to Bring…
Your Bible
A three ring notebook (1 ½ inch)
Notebook paper
Pen or pencil